Mike Normand, Casting Director at DementedFX, dropped by the MIX 93-1 studio to give Kera the ultimate zombie makeover!
Mike sat down with Zito & Kera to discuss what they can expect during their VIP Experience tomorrow at the haunted attraction.
In preparation of Zito & Kera's upcoming trip, Mike decided to transform Kera into a terrifying zombie fitting of the haunted attraction.
Want to see the transformation unfold? Take a look at the time-lapse video below!
Look out, Zito!
Kera's going in for a bite!
Thanks for joining us this morning, Mike!
Don't forget to check out these upcoming events at DementedFX!
Every Thursday, drop by for Blood Thirsty Thursday and snag tickets at the door for only $18 with college ID.
For one night only, enjoy DementedFX By Candlelight! Walk through the haunt on November 2 with no lights, just one LED candle per group.
Grab your tickets online at DementedFX.com!
Listen to the full interview below!