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Zito And Kera Take Over Mass Appeal

Zito and Kera crash the set of Mass Appeal but it looks like love is in the air. How will Kera survive with these two boys ? Poor Danny had no idea what he did to himself. These two on TV LIVE, only slightly frightening.

Danny was an amazing host and introduced Zito and Kera to the people of the Pioneer Valley. In the beginning things seemed pretty painless, later in the show there's an exercise class and Kera is wearing heels.

This was the getting to know you section where Zito gave Danny the business and Kera, as usual just made a face at him. Praying that this show goes as planned ! Will they ever be invited back?

Oh this is fun the "On The Air Pair" game. Zito and Kera definitely know each other well, they killed Danny and Nick ! Who doesn't know your work partners celebrity crush, Zito, as he says is a known heterosexual but Justin Timberlake and he have been secretly dating for years. Good luck to Jessica Biel if Zito ever ran into him. Look at those duck boots.

Cooking with Kera has been transformed to cooking with NOSH! Queen Teri Skinner explains pizza dough elasticity and rocks out some yum yums. Who knew a feta sauce on pizza was possible? Teri did ! Teaching the kids how to cook is fun and then they can cook for us.

This kido has to go back to school in style so he got the barbershop makeover! Still don't know his name, is it Dylan or Ryan Zito? Nevermind he was renamed Dylan Ryan, that's a movie name!

Want more? Look below for behind the scenes footage.

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