The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Dog Caught On Camera Carrying It's Sick Puppy To The Vet For Help

Golden Retriever Puppy held in arms

Photo: Carolyn Ann Ryan / Moment / Getty Images

This takes a lot of awareness for a dog. Security cameras in Turkey caught heartstring-tugging footage last week of a stray dog who walked up to a vet clinic carrying its unconscious puppy in its mouth. Before the dog showed up, someone found a young puppy they said was the only survivor of a stray’s litter.

The clinic took the puppy from the dog and determined it was suffering from hypothermia and had a low heart rate. The worried mother dog followed the staff into the clinic to watch what they were doing with her baby. Happy ending time: they were able to save both puppies, and now all three are recovering at the clinic.

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