The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Arizona 7 Year-Old is CEO of His Own Company

A seven-year-old, Nicholas Bubeck, from Scottsdale, Arizona is the proud CEO of his own company He started making toy airplanes as an arts and crafts project at the beginning of the pandemic and put together kits for other kids to make their own. It's now been a year since he started "Creations by Nicholas" and Bubeck has sold nearly a thousand DIY kits.

Believe it or not, he's not the only child CEO out there!

They come with popsicle sticks, bottle caps and other materials to build the plane. He also sells a paint-your-own pilot kit. And a dollar from every sale goes to the Triple Heart Foundation, which donates books to NICUs across the country.

As for instructions, a link to a video with Nicholas showing how to put the toy together is included. You can see and buy the kits on his website, Creations-by-Nicholas-dot-com.

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