Kera's Valentine Fun For School Kids, Sweet Treats And

I've always love making goodies for the kids when is was a holiday or birthday at school. It's one thing I could actually pull off with minor accidents. This is the Valentine Pop recipe and it's so easy!

Valentine Homemade Pops

3 Bags melting chocolate discs, colors of your choosing 1 bag Lollipop sticks 2 trays of heart shaped molds for pops Cute cellophane gift bags

So easy, just melt the chocolate in microwave safe bowls.Use only one color at a time so it doesn’t harden too fast. When you melt them use increments of 30 seconds so it doesn’t burn. Use a teaspoon to put the chocolate in each mold, gently place the stick in and I personally like to put them in the freezer. They mold smoother and quicker. Once you are sure they are hardened simply remove slowly from molds, let set on parchment paper then slip in your bags.

This is a fun thing I did when the kids were older and my son wasn't into the cards anymore. I made all the crayon hearts with cheap crayons from the dollar store and made little gift bags with a notepad and crayon. Easy, inexpensive and the kids and teachers loved them.

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